Friday, May 01, 2015

Menendez Berdict Implications

If Senator Menendez is Guilty, the Koch Brothers Lose and Democracy WIns:

Senator Robert Menendez (D-New Jersey) has been indicted on fourteen counts of conspiracy, bribery, fraud, and false statements pertaining to his relationship with wealthy opthalmologist Salomon Melgen and his Florida corporations. At first glance, this case appears to be a straightforward case of a politician accepting money to use his influence for the benefit of an associate. However, this particular case has huge ramifications for politics and money. In fact, every major political donor in this country – including the Koch brothers, Sheldon Adelson, Paul Singer, and Thomas Steyer – must watch this case intently and hope Senator Menendez is found “not guilty”. People who want to curb the influence of money in politics should hope Senator Menendez is found “guilty...”

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