Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Daily Flashback: Bush Vacations Edition

Worst Presidential Vacation Ever: 5 Years Ago, Bush Took Time Out to Politick While New Orleans Drowned�Pensito Review:

...But this seems like the wrong moment to dwell on fault-finding, or even to point out that it took what may become the worst natural disaster in American history to pry President Bush out of his vacation.

Of course, that last bit in the NYT editorial was simply false. About five months earlier, on March 19, 2005, Bush cut short his Easter vacation to rush back to Washington for something far less urgent:

President Bush is changing his schedule to return to the White House on Sunday to be in place to sign emergency legislation that would shift the case of a brain-damaged Florida woman [Terri Schiavo] to federal courts, the White House said Saturday...

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