Sunday, July 13, 2014

MoDo, Clinton Hater, GOPer Shill

NYT's Maureen Dowd: "There's Something Unseemly" About Chelsea Clinton Charity Speeches | Blog | Media Matters for America:

...Even after paying Clinton's fee, which she has noted goes to the Clinton Foundation, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Foundation expects to profit from an upcoming Hillary Clinton speech. Dowd failed to mention that point, or the fact that the evidence-free claim that Clinton has not been truthful about the donation of the fees comes from America Rising PAC, a Republican-aligned opposition research outfit.

Dowd's criticisms of Chelsea and Hillary Clinton over speaking fees that are donated to a charitable foundation are largely in line with Dowd's take on Hillary Clinton over the years.

According to a June 18 Media Matters report, 72 percent of 195 columns authored by Dowd about Hillary Clinton since November 1993 had a negative bent. Among the repetitious tropes used by Dowd, she often accused Clinton of being an enemy to or betraying feminism (35 columns, 18 percent of those studied), power-hungry (51 columns, 26 percent), unlikeable (9 columns, 5 percent), or phony (34 columns, 17 percent).

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